Tuesday, September 25, 2007


There has been need for an update for a while...I;ve been asked by several people "dude why haven't you updated your blog." To answer all your questions, it's that absolutley nothing happens here. What about the weekend you say? Well last weekend I did jack shit because i was sick, so friday hung out with some people and watched t.v. Then saturday, as sad as this is, my and roomates and i all stayed in and watched tv. nothing was going on...at all... Anyways, the weekend before, this might be of some amusement, I had arrived back to my room around 1:30. I entered my room, and it was dark, all lights out. I was somewhat inebriated as I arrived, and walked over to my desk. Tehre on my chair was a Dominos pizza box. Why are people such assholes, leaving pizza boxes on my chair. So i throw the box off the chair, and sit down. this i would find out later would cause me great anger the next day. Then 10 minutes later, this girl who is annoying as all hell and thinks she is the shit, comes into my room, wasted, yakking about her pizza and what i did with it. I said I found an empty box on my chair and pointed to the box. She then went on to accuse me of eating her pizza. I close and locked my door on her so i didn't have to hear her bitching. yet she continuied screaming at me through the door for a good 20 minutes. i wake up the next day, and take my time getting up, and then put on my pants from the previous evening because i was too lazy to get a pair out to walk half a block to get food. to my dismay, my friends point out I have a giant pizza stain on my pants... I walk into the work room and find slices of pizza on my chair, and the ground. now why the fuck would someone put pizza underneath a pizza box. the girl whos pizza this was found out and came to my room and demanded me to pay her because i ruined her pizza. this was the biggest bullshit iv ever heard in my life, i politley told her to go awya, and sure enough she left me alone. how can people be so damn stupid. that was probably the most exciting thing thats happened all month...

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Monster Man

I usually think that most movies these days suck, and are just awful. I really didn't know the menaing of awful until i saw the movie Monster Man yesterday. One of my friends picked it up thinking it would be one of those so bad its good movies. no, it was just plain horrible, even while I was somewhat inebriated which usually makes things better. The plot: this guy who used to be the highschool nerd who had a crush on the highschool slut and did all her homework for her is driving up to her wedding. (the actor is the guy who played the nerd in not another teen movie) of course on his way up, a man pops up from the backseat and jokingly chokes him with a cell phone. this guy turns out to be his fat loser friend, and the guy who plays him is horrible, seems like he was trying to do an imitation of jack black the whole movie, a horrible one at that. so his friend is always talking bout getting laid and shit, and early in the movie a monster truck starts stalking them and following them everywhere. they then pull into a bar where the nerd gets milk and the friend makes fun of everyone in the bar. The brilliance of the script is demonstrated with this well written line which the fat guy says about some of the people watching monster truck on tv: "If a vehicle could take Viagra, a monster truck is what it would look like. I mean those giant tires make the truck look like it's got blue balls! " for some reason everyone in the bar is an amputee....makes no sense. so they continue on their journey and we find out the guy driving this shitty monster truck is some gross lookin guy who stalks the nerd in a bathroom at a gas station. later the two friends pick up some hot girl whos hitchiking and they compete for her. they then stop at a motel where the nerd and hitchhiking girl get it on. for some reason while their doing it, the girl starts saying yoda quotes...i was really confused.. then shortly after their done, they hear screaming, the friends that is and run outside. a man is being chased by the monster truck outside of the motel but only the friends hear it, and they hide behind some little hill as they witnness this man get his legs run over by the truck, then his head squished, which i seriously thought looked lik a pumpkin exploding. basically we all had had enough of the movie at this point and turned it off. it was just awful. dont see it. for more of the amazing script here are more quotes from the fat guy, you don't need to know the context to understand how bad the script is- "I feel like we just played Drop The Soap with Godzilla, man!" "I'm a corpse burrito, dude!" "I'm the kind of guy who puts the "ick" in "dick".


nothing much goes on a sunday here at Hobart except watching NFL and doing homework...well the kid across the hall from me was missing till about 2pm so i guess that was probably the most interesting part of the day.